Booking Guidance

Please follow the steps below to complete the booking process more easily:

You already did steps:
– Go to our web page –,
– Click tab REGISTER, and when it opens click ACCOMMODATION,
– Click BOOK NOW under one of the apartment windows, it will transfer you to the Zaton resort booking engine,

NOW click the continue button below and do the following steps :
– Click green area to the right side, it will open available apartments and dates
NOTICE: only the biggest apartments are available, minimum ocupancy is 4 persons (including kids), in mobile homes minimum ocupancy is 3 persons (including kids),


– Choose arrival and departure date, and then scroll all the way down


– Adjust adults and kids numbers (minimum 4 persons combined) and click blue button MODIFY


– You are back on the previous page, scroll down and choose apartment by clicking the blue SELECT button


– Your date and people numbers will be applied on the right side, if OK click the blue CONTINUE button

– Click the CONTINUE button, and apply above mentioned